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Hi, Thanks for reading.

I’m not sure what amazing soul told me this piece of information but I thank them!!
Somewhere along the road of being pregnant, I read or was told to pick 5 SIMPLE everyday tasks that I did before I had a baby. Take these 5 tasks and write them on a post-it note and when the baby arrives, try to make sure that I accomplish 3 of these each day. Seemed at the time a pretty silly concept right!!! As if we would only be able to do 3 tasks each day with a baby….. I am so glad we did this because boy can I tell you some days it was a stretch, especially in the early days to actually finish 3 tasks.

Now you may be wondering what on earth did I have on my list because I’m sure like me you are thinking ‘As if I won’t be able to finish 3 tasks in the whole 24 hours!!!’

Here is what was on our list of 5 tasks:

1. Feed the dogs!
2. Open the curtains
3. Make the bed
4. Go for a walk
5. Shower!!!

I am sure, even reading this now you have a slight smirk of ‘Is this chick for real?’ What is she doing with all of her time that she has to put feed the dogs onto a list or have a shower?!’ I’m telling you no, those normal tasks that you automatically do every day without fail to get put on the back bench when the baby comes. No, I definitely was not sitting on my butt all day (well not every day) but when a baby comes so do all these extra tasks!!! Extra washing, burp clothes washing and folding bottle or breast pump prep and not to mention all of the babies needs too.

So, all I am saying is to put 5 simple tasks that you do automatically every day onto a list. Then, try to accomplish at least 3 of those tasks each day. No matter how horrible or hard the night or day was, you know that you have had a successful day!!!

Disclaimer: Yes, we did struggle to feed the dogs twice each day!!! But, they were fed even if it was at 10 pm at night:) Showers on the other hand…. not so regular.

Thanks for reading. I would love to hear what you had on your list of 5 so comment below!!!


Sarah x