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Hey, Thanks for reading.

Firstly, SCREW anyone who says your life ends when you have kids and you should do all your traveling before you have them. This is completely wrong!!! We did do a lot of traveling before kids yes, but, after having kids that sure hasn’t stopped us!
We currently have two boys under two and between the two of them they have been on over 25 flights most of those being international!

Secondly, Yes flying with kids seems like a horrible daunting crazy, why the hell would anyone do it scenario. However, if you are organised and calm. It doesn’t have to be that scary, no way in hell am I ever traveling with kids.

Thirdly, don’t worry about those people that you think will be judging you because your baby has been crying non stop from Perth to London.
A) Because, lets be honest some people are just horrid judgmental people anyway
B) Chances are your baby/toddler isn’t going to cry non stop to London

So, you are thinking of taking your children on an amazing trip to either see the world or family over seas!! Well done!!!
Many people will say you are crazy to even be thinking about flying with kids. We say SCREW those people. We got a lot of negative responses when I was pregnant with our first and we wanted to take him over from Perth to England & Ireland when he was about 13 weeks old. So many of the points they said made SOOO much sense. ‘He’s too young he will get sick on the flight’ ‘What about his poor ears’ ‘He won’t even remember the trip’ etc
Fair points, and definitely made my husband and I second guess our decision. Are we harming our sons by taking them to new places purely because we have to get on an aeroplane????? HELL NO I am so glad we ignored all the doubters and did it anyway. Needless to say we obviously did our research as much as we could and were prepared as we could be.

ORGANISATION is the key to flying with kids. Just because you are going to do it doesn’t mean you can just wing it and pack the night before. This is setting yourself up for a long not very pleasant flight…. Even on small weekend trips we do over east I start packing or at least think about packing a few weeks in advance and start throwing things we will use into a bag over those few weeks. (Check out my other blog “What to pack for a Toddler or baby when traveling” If you are not organised, you will forget things and thats when holidays become stressful.

I am a very perceptive person and can normally listen to a few different conversation around me (I guess that comes from being a Teacher). I can honestly say we have hardly had rude people that have made comments when they see us with kids as they board the flight or even roll their eyes as they walk past. Perhaps we have been lucky or is it those negative people who DON’T travel with kids but voice their opinion about it to scare the crap out of us.
Yes, we have had one or two situations where I have heard a young guy or Middle Ages lady who has never had kids make a comment under their breaths when sitting around us. HOWEVER, most of the time people sitting around us will normally come up to us at the end of the flight and say ‘How well mannered our kids were’, or walk past and say ‘I didn’t even realise these guys were on the plane well done’.

If you think back on all of your flights, can you honestly say you have been on a flight where one kid no matter the age has cried the WHOLE flight….???? NO???? Neither can I. Kids will cry at some stage wether its because they get scared of the noise, or frustrated because they can’t move, or their ears start to hurt at landing or they are just BORED. They will never just cry the whole time if you are on the ball and prepared. Their are so many steps you can take to try and prevent things from happening and worst case….. your baby or toddler does scream the whole flight…. Well then just think its going be the worst 24 hours of your life….. BUT it WILL end and it shouldn’t stop you from going. (Check out my other Blogs about “preparing activities for babies and toddlers”

To the point of ‘They won’t even remember that trip’ ABSOLUTELY they won’t remember that trip. BUT we did it because, WE wanted to go to that over seas wedding or WE wanted a certain family member to meet our beautiful boys or WE wanted to go look at that flower that only blooms once a year!!!! Just because we have kids doesn’t mean everything we do now is because they want to or will remember. One day they will remember a trip and until then we are allowing ur kids to see different cultures and be flexible with their routines and start building the little men we want them to grow into.

To sum it up, We say HELL YES to traveling with kids. We do it because we love the world and want to share it as much with our boys as we can and share our boys with the world!!! Not every fight is going to be perfect and not everyone is going to be nice and helpful….. but thats just a handful of people most will help or smile and if they don’t WHO CARES!!!
