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Hi, thanks for reading.
If you have kids they have been sick…. We all can look back and remember those long days and nights when you don’t get much sleep and the poor little things are so blocked up they sound worse than a pig. The coughing is not much better and you just feel helpless. We are lucky that we haven’t t been sick lots of times but when we do its bad.
I normally manage to completely get rid of everything including a horrible cough my 4-month-old had at the time in about a week to two. I thought I would share some of my tips of what I do with them.

Medical Essentials:

  • Fess (or any suitable nasal spray)
  • Vicks Humidifier (I have used others) The Vicks with the purple section is the BEST
  • Vicks liquid for the machine
  • Vicks chest rub (Baby friendly)
  • Panadol
  • Nurofen
  • Glen 20

Shower + Fess 3x Day
When the boys start to get a runny nose, I go into this mode of flue crazy!!! I don’t normally wait till it gets worse I start straight away. Boys will get fess and chucked in the shower as hot as the little bodies will allow. They will both sit on the floor and I block the hole so it’s like a steam room. I then spend whatever amount of time wiping away and pulling out whatever is coming out of the nose. If they are really bad I will fess again during the shower.
Toddler is fine because he sits under the water but I will put the baby over my legs so his face is facing down and have the water going over his back while I gently pat it.
We will do a shower in the morning, just before nap time and then again at night.

Vicks on Chest, Back & Feet
Once out of the shower the boys are dressed in warm clothes and layers. I will rub Vicks on their chests, back and feet. I then rug them up as much as possible and keep them inside away from the cold or wet.

Fresh Air + Glen 20 Spray
We will try and get some fresh air at least twice a day and I will normally try opening the windows and doors for 20 min in the morning and afternoon to freshen the house up.  I will also go around twice a day and spray Dettol spray.

Panadol + Nurofen
If it seems to be a flue that the body aches or they have a temperature. I will rotate Nurofen and Panadol every three hours for at least the first day or two then slow it down to once a day or when needed. I try to do it on the quarter so 3, 6, 9 & 12. This I find is easier to remember and I will also write down the times they have it because the last thing I want is to give them too much than recommended. If they are too young for Nurofen I just do the Panadol every 6 hours. I end up putting this in the boys bottles with a little milk, as they get over constantly having things sprayed up their noses and into their mouths.

Sleep Time = Vicks Machine and Liquid  
Each time the kids go to sleep I will refill the Vicks machine and give it a clean out. It’s not the best shape and very awkward to try get all the water out but I try get as much out as I can. I also make sure that the room is nice and warm, but keep an eye on the temperature as the Vicks machine can make it hotter than normal. I fill the. Tub with the Vicks liquid. When they wake up. Make sure you move any curtains away from the window as you will find they are all wet and I lift the curtain and open the door or window to allow the condensation to leave or rub it down with a towel.

Make sure they are staying hydrated and I don’t worry too much if they have gone off food as long as they are drinking plenty of liquid. A little chocolate is always good for the energy and mood.

Although this is last it is probably the most important and hardest one especially if you work and the kids are in day care. I will keep the boy’s home for at least the first week and not see anyone and cancel any classes we might have.

This is important because:
a) Gives the boys rest and to just chill so their bodies can recover completely, before going back and getting the same thing
b) It stops the spread of germs to other kids and hopefully stops the cycle.

Thanks for reading and if you have anything else you do that works please share!!


***I feel I need to say that I have checked with a pharmacist or doctor before using all of these products and that they are suitable for my boys and the age they are. Please check first before using anything especially when babies are so little. We are so restricted to what they can and can’t have***